அளவற்அருளாளனும், நிகரற்ற அன்புடையோனுமாகிய அல்லாஹ்வின் பெயரால்.

Monday 20 October 2014

Scientific miracles of Hindu scriptures.. Must see!!


The Vedas and Puranas are the literal word of God, which He revealed to his chosen people called Aryas through sages and through Incarnations. It were written down as God went on to speak. From the day these scriptures were revealed, until this day, there has always been a huge number of Aryas and Dasuyas who have memorized all of the Vedas and Puran, letter by letter. Some of them have even been able to memorize all of the scriptures by the age of ten. Not one letter of theses scriptures has been changed over the centuries. Arays hold the oldest literature that is unchanged till date. Moguls tried, British tried but in vain.

Vedas and Puranas, which were revealed second time 6,000 years ago centuries ago, mentioned facts only recently discovered or proven by scientists.

Sphericity of Earth:

The existence of rather advanced concepts like the sphericity of Earth and the cause of seasons is quite clear in Vedic literature. For example, the Aitareya Brahmana (3.44) declares:
The Sun does never set nor rise. When people think the Sun is setting it is not so. For after having arrived at the end of the day it makes itself produce two opposite effects, making night to what is below and day to what is on the other sideHaving reached the end of the night, it makes itself produce two opposite effects, making day to what is below and night to what is on the other side. In fact, the Sun never sets.

Shape of Earth is like an Oblate Spheroid. (Rig VedaXXX. IV.V)

Earth is flattened at the poles’ (Markandeya Purana 54.12)

"Sixty-four centuries before Isaac Newton, the Hindu Rig-Veda asserted that gravitation held the universe together. The Sanskrit speaking Aryans subscribed to the idea of a spherical earth in an era when the Greeks believed in a flat one. The Indians of the fifth century A.D. calculated the age of the earth as 4.3 billion years; scientists in 19th century England were convinced it was 100 million years."

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Polar Days and Nights
For the period when the sun is north it is visible for six months at the north pole and invisible at the south, and vice versa. - (Ibid Sutara)

Now Lets see what modern science says about this:
June 21, 1999: Later today, at 19:49 UT (3:49 p.m. EDT), Earth's north pole points more directly at the Sun than at any other time during the year. For polar bears and other denizens of the Arctic it will be noontime, the middle of a 6-month long day, as the Sun climbs to 23 1/2 degrees above the horizon.
June 21st marks the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of winter in the Southern Hemisphere. In the North it's the longest day of the year. At mid-latitudes there is sunlight for over 16 hours. Above the Arctic Circle the sun doesn't set at all!

"He made this Earth fixed by different devices like hills and mountains in shape of pegs but it still rotates . Sun never sets; all parts of earth are not in Darkness." [RIG VEDA]

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Now lets see what Hindu scriptures say about the movement of earth:

"Earth rotates in two ways by the Will of Brahama, first it rotates on its axis secondly it revolves around sun. Days and Nights are distinguished when moves on its axis. Season change when it revolves around Sun". (Vishnu Puran)

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"There are suns in all directions, the night sky being full of them." (Rig Veda)
Now lets see what what the modern sceince says:
In the 1920s astronomers realised that our island universe, the Milky Way Galaxy, is not alone in space. Outside it are other galaxies, each containing thousands of millions of suns. One of these other galaxies is visible to the naked eye, as a faint fuzzy blob in the constellation of Andromeda. The Andromeda galaxy is similar in size and shape to the Milky Way and is our galaxy's nearest neighbour, 2 million light years (20000000000000000000000 km) away. Further away are other galaxies, too faint for the eye to see. With powerful telescopes, millions have been photographed. Remarkably, all the galaxies are fleeing from one another: the whole Universe is expanding. This is one of the key pieces of evidence that about 15000 million years ago, there was a beginning to the Universe, an immense explosion we call the Big Bang. The debris from the explosion is still flying apart. Earth is one of the cinders.

A distant cluster of galaxies. Each galaxy contains
about a 100000 million suns.

Because each galaxy contains about 100000 million suns, galaxies can be seen to enormous distances, and they light up the distant universe for us.

This is one Glaxy, there are many of such glaxies scattered in our Universe

The Coma Cluster of Galaxies
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There are planets in all directions, but only visible in night sky (Rig Veda)

Now lets see what Modern Science says:
A galaxy is a giant assembly of many stars. We live on a planet which is in a group of 9 planets orbiting a star in one such assembly, a spiral galaxy we call the Milky Way (from the old Latin name Via Lactea). There are an estimated 50-100 billion galaxies in the Universe. Each galaxy has millions or billions of stars like our Sun, or bigger, smaller, newer, older, colder, hotter, exploding or imploding. It comprise of Millions of Planets like ours, or bigger, smaller, newer, older or hotter.

Recently, astronomers have detected planets circling stars in our galaxy. Hard evidence (not just probability) is every day accruing that many other stars in the Universe have planets around them.
image -->http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ima..._kaler_big.jpg

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Modern scientists' comments:
Hinduism is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, to those of modern scientific cosmology. The Hindu literature is work of a Genius.
(Dr. Steinn Sigurdsson, Pennsylvania State University)

It looks like that the writers of Vedas and Puran came from the future to deliver knowledge. The works of the Ancient Arya Sages is mind blowing. There is no doubt that Purans and Vedas are word of God.
(Scott Sandford , Space Scientist, NASA)

How could Hindus (Aryas) have possibly known all this 6,000 years ago, when scientists have only recently discovered this using advanced equipment which did not exist at that time? Such concepts were found only recently.
(Dr. Kevin Hurley of the University of California at Berkeley)

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Blue Sky is Nothing but scattered sunlight (Markandeya Purana 78.8)

Now lets see what Modern Science says about it:
The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.

However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches you. Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue

As you look closer to the horizon, the sky appears much paler in color. To reach you, the scattered blue light must pass through more air. Some of it gets scattered away again in other directions. Less blue light reaches your eyes. The color of the sky near the horizon appears paler or white

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Nothing in Brahmand is immovable (Sam Veda)


"Earth is divided in many plates as much as 14 of them in present Manavatara." (Brahmand Purana)

In the 1920s, Edwin Hubble used the 100" telescope (2.5 meters) at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California to detect variable stars in nebulae. He discovered that the stars he observed had the same characteristic variations in their brightness as a class of stars called Cepheid Variables. Earlier, astronomer Henrietta Levitt had shown there was a precise correlation between the periodic change in brightness of a Cepheid Variable and its luminosity. Hubble was able use this correlation to show that the nebulae containing the variable stars he observed were not within our own Galaxy; they were external galaxies far beyond the edge of our Milky Way.

Earth's Major Plates:

The current continental and oceanic plates include: the Eurasian plate, Australian-Indian plate, Philippine plate, Pacific plate, Juan de Fuca plate, Nazca plate, Cocos plate, North American plate, Caribbean plate, South American plate, African plate, Arabian plate, the Antarctic plate, and the Scotia plate. These plates consist of smaller sub-plates.
All the information that we have today is already mentioned in Vedas and Puranas suggesting they came from some one who is controlling the Entire Universe.

 Origin of Universe

Hindu concepts of Hiranyagarbha (golden womb) and Brahmanda (the first egg), are comparable to cosmic egg origin systems. The Bhagavata Purana, Brahmanda Purana, Vayu Purana among others contain references to the initial process of the origins of the universe as a cosmic egg. The twelve phase creation of the universe and the history of our Brahmanda is described in Srimad Bhagvatam.

The Hiranyagarbha Sukta announces: Hiranyagarbhah samavartatagre bhutasya jatah patireka asit, which means, Before creation existed the golden womb Hiranyagarbha, Lord of everything born. (Rig Veda 10.121.1)

The whole universe including sun, moon, planets, and galaxies was all inside the egg, and the egg was surrounded by ten qualities from outside. (Vayu Purana 4.74-75)

Before creation, it was only the braham that was everywhere. There was no day, night or sky. First I created the waters. And in the waters I sowed the seeds of brahmanda. the great egg. From this seed there developed a egg which began to float on the waters. This egg is known as Brahamand (Universe)

Now lets see what Modern Science says about it:

This is the structure of the Universe created by scientists after a research of many years. If we take a look at the COBE results, we notice the uneven pattern in the radiation stemming from the decoupling of matter and radiation when the Universe was a mere 300,000 years old. The blue and magenta patterns represent areas that were slightly cooler and slightly warmer than average. These variations are at a level of about 1:100,000, but they must have been enough to seed the structures we see today.

Finally we came to conclusion that Universe is shaped like a egg but this information was already present in Hindu Literature.
(Alan Kogut, NASA)


Protection of Earth

After the formation of the earth planet, Brahama created atmosphere in group of seven , from that formation oceans began to exist, and the first form of life appeared on the earth planet. Atmosphere was created as protective skin of earth (Shrimad Bhagwatam)

"Amazing isnt it Vedas and Puaran are divine source of knwoledg" said Dr. Donald Mitchell of the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. It is hard to believe that these facts were already mentioned in hindu books thousands of years back, in the time when Human didnt knew much about Astronomy.

The Vishnu Purana gives a quite an accurate description of tides:
"In all the oceans the water remains at all times the same in quantity and never increases or diminishes; but like the water in a cauldron, which in consequence of its combination with heat, expands, so the waters of the ocean swell with the increase of the Moon. The waters, although really neither more nor less, dilate or contract as the Moon increases or wanes in the light and dark fortnights"..

 About Creation of Moon

Theia colliding with Earth.

"In the initial stage of creation of Universe some creation material slipped from the hands of Brahma and collided with earth resulting in the formation of Moon".
(Brahmand Purana)

Now lets see what Modern Science says

The Giant Impact, as pictured in a painting by William K. Hartmann
on the cover of Natural History Magazine in 1981. Copyright William K. Hartmann

The idea in a nutshell:
At the time Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago, other smaller planetary bodies were also growing. One of these hit earth late in Earth's growth process, blowing out rocky debris. A fraction of that debris went into orbit


More facts/findings will come from Hindu Holy Books. Also, will come later the scientific findings in Vedas that are not even known to modern western Scientists yet but are revealed in Hindu Scriptures.

It looks like all these modern day western scientists who come up with these theories/scientific facts have vedic scriptures in their home since all these new scientific theories/discoveries have their basis in scriptures. This is what they always do, they read the text from scriptures and steal the idea and do some years of research and find that the observed data do fit this theory and call it their own theory removing the unnecessary part (that they think is not important such as existence of GOD). They forget the fact that it is not originally founded by them, but stolen from the Hindu scriptures just to get fame and make money. It is evident from the comments of many scientists in the past that the Hindu Scriptures were readily available to them

some of the comments:
Albert Einstein the most gifted/intelligent scientist ever said this about hindu scriptures " “When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.”
"We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made."

J. Robert Oppenheimer, American nuclear physicist (1904-1967), said,
"If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One. . . . Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds"---> from bhagvad Gita

Oppenheimer "the father of the atomic bomb" quoting from the Hindu scripture Bhagavad-Gita upon witnessing the mushroom cloud resulting from the detonation of the world’s first atomic bomb in New Mexico, U.S.A., on July 16, 1945.
“Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claim over all previous centuries. “


More :-

Read Scientific Miracles of Bible

1 comments so far

You have done a lot of research ..Please repost your blog..people should know all this

திருமறையின் சில வரிகள்..

அளவற்ற அருளாளன்

மொத்த வசனங்கள் : 78

55:1, 2. அளவற்ற அருளாளன், குர்ஆனைக் கற்றுக் கொடுத்தான்.
55:3. மனிதனைப் படைத்தான்.
55:4. விளக்கும் திறனை அவனுக்குக் கற்றுக் கொடுத்தான்.
55:5. சூரியனும், சந்திரனும் கணக்கின் படி இயங்குகின்றன.
இந்த தளத்தில் வரும் பதிவுகள் அனைத்தும் சில இஸ்லாமிய தளங்களிலிருந்தும், நூல்களிலிருந்தும் எடுக்கப்பட்டதாகும்.